Horse Fair

Sunday – 22/09/2024


  • The mares will present them self at The Boots between 15:00 and 15:30
  • The mares are completely naked (harness, cock ring, socks and wrist wraps are allowed) Footwear is required.
  • The mares have a good hygiene (anal rinsed).
  • The mares will be offered a mask/blindfold.
  • The stable master will escort the mares to the cellar where they will be prepared for the stallions.
  • The mares are kept blindfolded until the end of the game (17:30)
  • Whenever a mare needs a drink, a pee or cigarette, they can call a stable master. He will bring the mare to the 1st floor. The time of this break is limited.

Mares: rules

  • Blindfolds/masks are kept on during the entire game.
  • Sexual acts between mares are prohibited.
  • Mares cannot refuse a stallion.


  • The stallions will present themselves at The Boots between 15:30 and 16:00. The regular dress code applies.
  • The stallions take their time to look, feel and discuss the quality of the mares.
  • Once a mare is chosen, it can be taken at will.

Stallions : rules

  • Sexual acts between stallions are prohibited.
  • Masks/blindfolds may not be removed from the mares.
  • When a mare indicates she needs a break, this will be respected by the stallion.
  • Kissing/sucking with a mare is only allowed when explicitly indicated by the mare itself. It cannot be forced.
  • Aggressive acts towards the mares is forbidden.

In general

  • The stable masters have the right to check if the safe-sex preference is respected.
  • In friction of one of the above rules give the stable master the right to give a penalty. This goes from expulsion of the game for several minutes, until removal from The Boots.
  • Mares or Stallions under the influence of alcohol and drugs will be removed from the game.
  • During the game, no role switch of mare/Stallion is possible.

After the horse fair you’re free to stay for our regular afternoon concept which starts at 17.00h

Doors 15.00h – 16.00h
 Till Party till 17.30h
 Dress Code All fetishes welcome
 Price Regular entrance prices apply
Presale There is no presale

008 – 850

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